Get to know us

Who we are

We're a warm, vibrant church community located in the heart of Stonnington. At MPC, we welcome people of all ages and backgrounds, providing a place for everyone to call home. Whether you've been a Christian for years or you're exploring Christianity for the first time, we'd love for you to join us this Sunday.

Our Story

We've been around for a while. Our story begins in 1886 when a committee was appointed to plant a church in the growing suburb of Malvern. The committee surveyed the neighbourhood and purchased a site near the corner of Glenferrie and Wattletree Road. Plans were then drawn up for a wooden building, which was completed in October that same year. Over the next two decades, the little wooden church saw rapid growth and soon reached capacity. In 1903, the congregation moved to Pine Grove, where plans were made to construct a new church building. The building you see today, designed inside and out by architect Robert Joseph Haddon, was completed in 1906. While many things have changed over the years, our commitment to serving Malvern and its surrounding suburbs with the good news of Jesus Christ hasn't.

Our Vision

to be so moved by grace that we would give our lives to see others gain life.

At MPC, our vision is to be a welcoming place where people from Malvern and beyond can explore answers to life's most profound questions, like “Where do I come from?”, “Why am I here?”, and “Where am I going?”. Beyond that, we strive to be a community where they can discover true life—life with God. For this, we’re prepared to give our lives to see them gain life. And we’re prepared to do all this and more, because Jesus graciously gave his life to see us gain life. Our vision is to be so moved by grace, that we would give our lives to see others gain life.

Our Mission

to make disciples transformed by God's word to love him, to love and serve one another, and to share His love for the lost.

The mission of the church, as given by the Lord Jesus Himself, has always been and always will be making disciples. A disciple isn't just someone who attends church on Sunday; it's someone who actively learns from Jesus, lives like Jesus, and teaches others to do the same. At MPC, we're committed to making disciples who become disciple-makers. Everything we do is driven by this mission. Our goal is to make disciples transformed by God's Word, who love Him, love and serve one another, and share His love with the lost. 

Our Values

Gospel Prayer

We believe in fostering a culture of prayer where the expansion of the gospel in Malvern and beyond is the air we breathe. (Colossians 4:2).

Word Ministry

We believe in prioritising the Word at the heart of all our endeavours at MPC, delighting in it, teaching it, teaching others to teach it, and bringing it to bear on our culture, our city, and our lives. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

God-centred Worship

We believe in painting an awe-inspiring vision of God to ignite joyful worship that goes beyond our gatherings to permeate every facet of our existence. (Psalm 96:9)

Theological Depth

We believe in cherishing the pursuit of theological depth, urging all believers to dive beyond a surface-level understanding and immerse themselves in the profound depths of their faith. (Hebrews 5:14)


We believe in passionately advocating for the joy of godliness, not as a rigid set of rules or a response to secular culture, but as the most beautifully attractive life. (1 Timothy 4:7-8)

Evangelistic Passion

We believe in prioritising Jesus' call to disciple-making above all else, both locally and globally, igniting our fervour for spreading the Gospel message. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Life-long Discipleship

We believe in nurturing discipleship that lasts a lifetime, equipping individuals to grow in prayer, delve into the Scriptures, and serve others, empowering them to become disciple-makers themselves. (2 Timothy 2:2)


We believe in modelling Christ’s life, love, and sacrificial service as we actively demonstrate Christian hospitality, welcoming one another and the lost. (1 John 4:7-8)

What kind of church are you?

  • MPC is reformed. We hold to the convictions born out of the Reformation. We believe that God is sovereign over all of life. We believe that the bible alone is inspired by God and that its message is totally trustworthy and without error. It alone is our final authority for how we live and what we do. The Bible tells us about Jesus, who alone saves us from sin and death. And it’s only by his life, death, and resurrection that God offers us his salvation—forgiveness, favour, and fellowship with Him. This right standing that we have with God is received only by faith. We receive God’s favour only by what Jesus has done for us; not by what we’ve done for him. This means that it’s by His grace alone that God chooses to save us, and it’s for His glory alone that He’s done it.

  • MPC is evangelical. We hold to the belief that the good news of the New Testament ought to be at the centre of our life and worship. That good news is that God sent his Son Jesus to die on the cross, rise from the dead, ascend to glory, and sit at His right hand. God, in Christ, saves us from sin and judgement. And He pours out his Spirit on us to make us right with him and make us more like him. Better still, one day Jesus will return in power to glorify us in perfection. God has done all this to satisfy His justice and display his love and mercy toward us, which, in turn, demands our obedience, repentance, and faith.

  • MPC is presbyterian. We hold to the belief that God has appointed elders within congregations to guide and shepherd His people, directing their life together according to His Word. On top of that, we affirm the value of congregations fellowshipping together, grounded in a shared understanding of the faith. In Australia, Presbyterian churches adhere to a common understanding of faith outlined in the Westminster Confession of Faith, read in the light of the Declaratory Statement. All elders and pastors are required to subscribe to this statement. Check it out here.

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