Finding Freedom in Grace
Struggling with legalism in your faith? Finding Freedom in Christ explores Paul’s warning in Galatians 4:8–31 about turning back to self-reliance instead of embracing God’s grace. Through the story of Sarah and Hagar, this post reveals why human effort can never secure God’s promises and how true freedom is found in trusting Him. Discover how to break free from performance-based religion, stand firm in the grace of Christ, and live with the confidence that God’s strength is made perfect in your weakness. Read now and step into the freedom Christ has won for you!

Discovering Adoption: From Orphan to Child of God
What does it mean to be adopted by God? In this blog post, we explore Galatians 4:1-7 and the incredible truth that, through Christ, we move from spiritual slavery to full acceptance as God’s children. Like the story of Annie, adoption transforms everything—our identity, our relationship with God, and our future. We’ll unpack how God prepares, purchases, and pledges to us, giving us the assurance that we are no longer orphans but beloved sons and daughters.

Stop Striving, You’re Already Loved
Many of us think we must earn God’s love through striving, but Galatians 3 shows that our place in God’s family is based on grace, not performance. Like an adopted child who already belongs, we are already loved. This post explains why relying on works is futile, how faith is the foundation of righteousness, and how to keep Christ at the center. If you've ever felt the pressure to "measure up," this is a reminder to rest in God’s unshakable love.

Justification: How Do I Get Right with God?
This blog post looks at the important truth of justification—being made right with God through faith in Jesus. We’ll explore why our actions can’t earn salvation and how grasping the gift of justification brings freedom, peace, and confidence in Christ.

The Strongest Argument for the Gospel
In this post, we explore why we are the strongest argument for the gospel, reflecting on how our transformed lives speak louder than any argument. Through the example of Paul’s conversion, we see how God’s grace works in real, personal ways—whether in dramatic turnarounds or quiet faithfulness.

Only One Gospel?
In Galatians 1:3–5, Paul makes it clear—there’s only one good news that truly saves. Because there’s only one who died for our sins, one who died to rescue us, and one who died according to plan. In this post, we’ll unpack why the gospel of Jesus Christ is completely unique and why no other message can take its place.